Projected Stats
Projected stats extrapolate session stats to predict future stats. For more information on session stats, see Session Stats.
/prestige [<prestige] [<player>] [<session>]
Project a player's stats at a certain prestige.
- prestige: The prestige to project stats for.
- player: The player to view projected prestige stats for.
- session: The session ID of the session to derive prestige stats from.
/year 2026 [<player>] [<session>]
Project a player's stats at the beginning of 2026.
- player: The player to view projected 2026 stats for.
- session: The session ID of the session to derive 2026 stats from.
/year 2027 [<player>] [<session>]
Project a player's stats at the beginning of 2027.
- player: The player to view projected 2027 stats for.
- session: The session ID of the session to derive 2027 stats from.