Session Stats
Session stats can be used to view stats since a certain point in time. The maximum concurrent sessions that can be tracked is 2 for free users, or 5 for premium users.
Session stats are especially beneficial as they more accurately reflect a player’s skill level. For this reason they are factored into the calculations of a range of different features, such as milestones, projected stats, and more.
/session stats [<player>] [<session>]
View the session stats for a player.
Note: If there isn't an existing session, one will be created.
- player: The player to view session stats for.
- session: The session ID of the session to view session stats for.
/session active
View a list of your active sessions. (Requires Linking)
/session start
Create a new session. (Requires Linking)
/session reset [<session>]
Reset a session. (Requires Linking)
- session: The session ID of the session to reset.
/session end [<session>]
End a session. (Requires Linking)
- session: The session ID of the session to end.